Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Happy girl!!

We love kendra!!!

Happy Birthday Amelia!!!!

Happy Monday!


Teacher Blog 2

What is your earliest memory in life?

Brenda –The first day of school outfit. A skirt and a blouse that my mother made. The skirt was sage green with pink and white print. The blouse was the same sage green as the shirt. I adored it and of course though I was cute!

Adrianne –My favorite and earliest outfit that I remember wearing was a checkered turquoise top that buttoned up the front with matching shorts. 

Shelly – Not so much an outfit but my favorite shoes were lace up and they looked like Neapolitan ice cream. They were my favorites. 

Lesley – A brown dress.

Lacey – Jeans shirt and dress shoes

Kavut –The first outfit I remember wearing was a sunflower dress.

Ashanti – An ugly wool yellow long sleeve shirt. It was very itchy and hot!

Ebony – HA! It was an outfit from Chocolate Soupe and the leggins were leopard print and my top was white with a leopard car on it with a bow. I also wore matching bows with all of my outfits and white keds.

Kendra – It was ugly. It was pale pink dress with white ruffles and hard bottom shoes.

Debbie -No idea.

Linda –A sweater that my mom made me. It was white with rabbits on it.

Colleen –This ugly pink frilly dress that my baby doll wore for the rest of its life.

Leigh – This sweat suit. It was pink or white but it had some type of animal doing ballet on it. I can't really remember just know it was terrible but my favorite if I could still wear it I probably would. It was so comfy!

Teacher Blog!

What is your earliest memory in life?

Brenda – My first day of school. It was in 1956, but I remember it very clearly.

Adrianne – I was about 1 ½ and I remember it snowing and being at my grandparents’ house. I remember walking down their huge back porch ready to play in the snow. “She fell in a drainage ditch while sledding because they thought it was frozen thank God it was clean in there”

Shelly – Sled rides with the neighborhood kids when I was around 3 we would have a barrel fire and we would all pile on the sled and go down the hill with my dog chasing after us. I was always on the bottom of the sled and everyone else piled up on top 5 or 6 deep. We all had a great time.

Lesley – Eating lunch at daycare

Lacey – I didn’t like going to school so when my dad was home. He didn’t make me go most of the 

Kavut – My earliest memory in life was when I went to the Middle East for 40 days.

Ashanti – When my brother and I got our first pair of cowboy boots for Christmas!

Ebony – Going to kindergarten at Lakeview Elementary with Mrs. O’Neal as my teacher.

Kendra – I was 7 years old. I was in Butler, Alabama with my grandmother Dora. I heard her screaming, so I ran in there and there was snake in her bed!

Debbie -I really can't remember.

Linda –Christmas when I was 2 years old. My daddy got my mom a bottle of perfume. I was looking at it and i dropped it and broke it.

Colleen – I remember my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Kitty playing the piano.

Leigh – I remember playing in my babysitters creek with one of the other kids that stayed there with no adult watching us. I was like 3. (seems safe…not!)  

Happy Birthday Sweet Lucy!

Small group play

Big smiles!!!