Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Did you ever know that you're my HERO?

·         Who is your hero? Why?
·         Who was your hero as a child? Why?

·         Brenda

o   My parents because they left a legacy of how to share and give to others who are in need.

o   My parents because we were poor but I didn’t know it then. There was so much love in our home that I guess I didn’t pay attention to what we didn’t have.

·         Colleen  
o   My Grammy. She was such a fun loving smart woman, who knew how to have a goodtime and find the best in situations.

o   Father Breen – he still is because he rocks!! (Leigh agrees!!)

·         Debbie
o   Colleen. She is the sweetest person I know and she provides a stress free environment.

o   Bewitched. She was magic. She could twitch her nose to fix everything. HA!

·         Hannah
o   My mom! Because no matter what I did she still stood by my side band was always there for me. The old I get the more I realize all she did and still does for me. Even the little things I appreciate every day.

o   My mom’s best friend. In my eyes she was the coolest person I knew and she always helped me stay out of trouble.

·         Kavut
o   My heroes are the people that I work with because a hero is someone you look up to I look up to them. When there are times where I don’t believe in myself they believe in me. They inspire me and bring my strength out. They encourage me to do better and be better.

o   My hero as a child was the Power Rangers because they would fight the bad guys and save the world.

·         Kendra
o   Anyone that does not let their circumstances make them feel defeated. They are never victims, they’re always survivors.

o   My grandmother was my hero as a child. She was always nice to everyone she encountered. She never drove but was always early to work. She made sure her children and grandchildren were taken care of before she bought herself anything. I strive to be like her.

·         Lacey
o   My mom because she has always taken care of me. The last couple of years we have taken care of each other. My dad is also my hero because he always did the best that he could.

o   My mom and dad because they always to care of me and tried to give me everything that I needed and wanted.

·         Leigh
o   My mom. If it weren’t for my mom I certainly would not be the person I am today. My mom finds the positive in every situation and it is contagious. She is just simply wonderful. Also my husband Robert. He has done so much for our family and our country and he’s pretty neat!

o   My sister. She got to go on all of these cool soccer trips, she had a waterbed and she made really good grades and she was just pretty much awesome! She is still one of my heroes along with my other sister and brother.

·         Lesley
o    God because he has given me so much to be thankful for.
o   My parents because they are the best parents ever.

·         Shay
o   My 86 year old granny Savannah. She is the true meaning of a strong, independent woman. She is the backbone of our family. She is always there when we need her no matter what.
o   My big brother because he got to stay up longer than me and he drove the big tractors. LOL

·         Shelly
o   My dad, because he has always been a great source of support. He always put our needs ahead of his own. He showed me how to be loving and compassionate and how to not only work hard but to laugh.

o   Wonder Woman because she was strong and femine, nice, and mean when she had to be and she always got the bad guy.

·         Adrianne
o   My parents because they sacrifice so much for me and my brothers. They have always put us and our needs before anything else. They’re really funny and have awesome taste in music.

o   My Dodaddy because he’s the most giving person in the entire universe. He always fed me when I was hungry and still does. He’s the best cook!!  He has always put me and our family before everything else. He has sacrificed a whole lot for our family.
·         Anna
o   My cousin Kristen. She is one of the strongest people I know and has really taught me a lot over the years. She has had some awful things happen to her and never once lost her faith in God. Her faith and her family are #1 and I can only hope I am half the mother she is.

o   My hero as a child was any lady that worked at a cash register. I don’t know why but for some reason I thought that was the greatest hob a person could have.

·         Ashanti
o   Joey and JR are my heroes. They keep me sane and on the right track. They keep me motivated to do the right things and not to give up. Also my TCCC girls (Love some of them J ha!!)

o   My hero as a child was my granny. She worked hard to make sure me and my brothers were taken care of. She also taught us that prayer changes things and to always keep our faith during hard and good times.

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